How To Merchandise And Secure Firearms

Firearms are high-quality items. They are expensive and customers who come to purchase are looking for the best. So why do so many firearm displays look like garage sales? Often, guns are stacked so tight and on top of each other that customers can’t even see what they’re looking at. The price tags are strung around the trigger guard and they’re often flipped backward or down the side of the gun so price and product information can’t be seen. Moreover, the guns are often out in the open and not secure at all. Anyone can simply walk down the aisle and pick up any gun they see. The only safety measure is the trigger guard. 

We know there’s a better way to display firearms. Our Gun Warden solution provides your business with two solutions. Security AND a tool for great merchandising. 


Gun Warden Vertical Display Long Guns

With the Gun Warden, the angle presented to customers is the side view of the firearm. Unlike traditional displays that show the underside, we are able to show customers the view that matters most. If displayed horizontally, the Gun Warden can display 20 long guns in a 4-foot section. In the same space, 50 long guns can be displayed if using our sliding racks in a vertical setup.

One major benefit of the Gun Warden is that we outfitted them with built-in sales tag holders. No other system has this option for display. Each firearm is visible, and so is the price and brand information that buyers need to see before purchasing. To really make your firearms stand out, we can also incorporate a glass display and lighting system to draw attention (and customers) to your display. This simple addition lets your firearms speak for themselves. 

When displaying firearms, it is important that the products are not damaged while on display. Unlike traditional systems, our racks have a rubber protective coating to protect the stock and barrel from scratches. Since most firearms are sold with only a 10% markup, it is imperative not to lose the profits on a preventable loss that comes from a minor scratch.

Our Gun Warden System was thoughtfully designed so it integrates well with popular shelving systems. Brands like Lozier, Maddix, & Streeter, as well as our own easy-to-install QWD Wall & Gondola system, work together seamlessly with the Gun Warden. You don’t need an entirely new shelving system to be able to use our product. Adjustments can easily be made to make the system work for you. Plus, our display system is very easily customized if you have a specific design or finish package requests. 


Horizontal Gun Warden Display Case

With the new FFL mandates for various security systems, cement pylons, roll-down metal grilles and other strategies to prevent break-ins and drive-through robberies, timing is everything. After thieves get into your building, how secure are your firearms? Do you spend time and money every evening locking them in a safe, just to pull them back out each morning? Or do you risk relying on weak security measures like running a cable through all the triggers? Neither option is ideal and both will leave you with scratched and damaged firearms on your display.

As gun security legislation is becoming more common in the USA, here is an opportunity to get ahead of the game. Our Gun Warden system is compliant with the strict gun laws of California and Illinois, but it’s also a great solution for dealers in every state. Trusted companies like Walmart are installing our Gun Warden Display System in all of their stores. 

While on display, the locking arms of the Gun Warden drop down over the stocks and barrels of long rifles. The lock is secured with a key. If the lock is tampered with and broken, a piston in the lock is triggered and shot into side cowl. At that point, the Gun Warden is locked permanently. Not only do the locking arms have protection, but so does the actual display case. Secured walls mean you can’t pull it up and walk away. 

Security is a priority for all firearms dealers, but merchandising should be a priority as well. When it comes to guns, if you can’t see it, you can’t sell it. Call Mike or Danielle at Quality Wood & Metal Designs to start the conversation about securing and displaying your firearms with Gun Warden today.