Gun Warden FAQs

With all of the looting and rioting in the last few days, it’s now more important than ever to have a safe and secure way to display and store firearms. We recently shared some videos about our Gun Warden on social media and had a lot of questions and comments roll in. We would love to respond to some of them here.

Gun Warden Break In Logo

“Nothing is completely safe for guns not to be stolen.”

Although it won’t keep guns safe forever, the Gun Warden will stop most petty criminals from getting to them. And most petty criminals aren’t going to stay very long to try to figure out how to get them out of their secure display. They will move on to something else - and hopefully something less dangerous. 

“Heavy-duty bolt cutters or a sawzall would get through this.”

Indeed, the Gun Warden is not completely impenetrable. No security system is. However, breaking through it would require a lot of planning and would still take a lot of time that criminals simply do not have. Especially with additional layers of security throughout the case and store.

“Damaged inventory is the same as stolen inventory.”

We disagree. Firearms that are forced out of the Gun Warden locking arms are going to be damaged beyond immediate repair. They will not be able to be used to commit another crime or hurt someone without major repairs.

“Why couldn’t they just rip the whole thing off the wall and carry it away?”

The Gun Warden system is more than just the locking arm. It is not like most simple gun cases since it is securely mounted to the wall. It cannot simply be lifted and carried away.

“Gun safety is about adding layers of protection.”

Thank you! Criminals are always racing against the clock. They know that they only have a few minutes to do their damage before they are caught in the act. Our Gun Warden is a strong layer of protection that will certainly slow down thieves. All firearm dealers are required to have locking grills or security glass at the entrance of their store. That is one layer. Alarms are another layer. And locking up firearms is another. One great element of our design is that rifles in the Gun Warden are grouped in small batches of 4 or 5, so even if a criminal does get to it, they won’t be able to run off with your entire inventory.

For more details on how the Gun Warden can add another layer of security to your store, please contact Mike or Danielle. We would be happy to discuss the finer details of how our system is unique.

Gun Warden Horizontal Display Case Close Up

Danielle DeKruif