5 Rules for Merchandising Endcaps

Merchandised Endcaps gondola shelves

Eye-catching endcaps can lead to lots of sales. With a little bit of effort in creating a colorful, well-organized shelf, you can attract attention and increase your sales. 

  1. Organization is key. Keep your shelves neat, tidy, and cohesive. Limit the number of products you display in one location so customers don’t feel overwhelmed.

  2. Use color to your advantage. Bright colored signs attract attention and draw customers to your products. Since endcaps are small, fill the space with one brand and create a wall of cohesive packaging for an eye-catching feature.

  3. Make sure your merchandise has visible price tags. Customers that can’t easily find the price often move on, which is a potential lost sale for you. 

  4. Be sure to have your best products at eye-level. For example, if you are trying to sell a bow and arrow set, have the bow at eye level while displaying accessories above and below. 

  5. You can really draw customers’ eyes to your products by utilizing our Under-Shelf Lighting system. Highlight one shelf of top-dollar items with lights, or really make the whole display stand out by lighting every shelf.

When you’re ready to upgrade your endcaps, contact Mike or Danielle for the latest advice and trends. 

Danielle DeKruif