Merchandising and Customer Perception

Consider product performance and perception. The products you sell must check both boxes for a customer to feel satisfied in their purchase. By creating a retail environment with quality merchandise displayed in a helpful way, you increase the number of satisfied customers walking out your front door. 

One way to increase your bottom line is to provide lifestyle accessories in conjunction with firearms. Whether that is holsters, scopes, apparel, cases or anything else. Bring in quality products that will fill the hole in your customer’s needs. Use endcaps to tell a story and draw your customers to the accessories they will envision themselves using. This not only helps your bottom line with add-on sales, but also helps fulfill your customer’s unmet needs. Help your customers leave your store feeling satisfied with all the tools they need for hunting, shooting, or home protection. 

Quality Wood and Metal Designs manufactures a variety of tools for merchandising firearms and accessories. Consider adding our under-shelf lighting to elevate your customer’s perception of your high-end products. Our Gun Warden system allows you to neatly and securely display more firearms in a small space. And our pallet wraps and ammo case platforms make ammunition displays look sharp. 

In short, you can increase your profits simply by doing some well-planned merchandising. Purchasing a firearm is an event - not an impulse, so help your customers feel special as they walk out your doors! 

Danielle DeKruif